
Jordan places two boards end to end to make one shelf. The first board is 47-100 meter long.The second board is 5-10 meter long. What fraction is equivalent to 5-10 and has a denominator of 100.

Accepted Solution

We have the following fraction:
 (5) / (10)
 In order not to alter the expression, we must multiply the numerator and denominator by the same factor k:
 (5 * k) / (10 * k)
 Since we know that the denominator is 100 then:
 10 * k = 100
 k = 100/10
 k = 10
 (5 * 10) / (10 * 10)
 (50) / (100)
 The fraction that is equivalent to 5-10 and has a denominator of 100 is:
 (50) / (100)